Hi babes! Ive got great news for you. If you purchase 2 items and above, there will be free shipping!
Terms and Conditions
-> If you see something you like and would like to purchase it, email us at fuzzythewuzzy@gmail.com
-> After we’ve received your confirmation order, we’ll email you our Maybank bank account number. Full payments must be made within 3 days of confirmation.
-> Don’t hesitate to email me too if you’ve any enquiries!
-> Please only send us your order form after you are super duperly sure you want to purchase the item. We would really appreciate that.
-> If you see an item you like but it is labeled ‘Sold Out’, no frets! Email me and I’ll try to restock it for you. Full deposits are required for restocks.
-> All prices are fixed. We’re sorry but that’s the best price we can offer you.
-> Prices do not include delivery charges.
-> Shipping cost are as follows: Rm6 for pos laju - West Malaysia. Rm8 for pos laju - East Malaysia.
-> We will make sure that all items are in perfect condition before sending them out to you. Thus, we will not be responsible for any damage of the package during the course of delivery.
-> Goods will be mailed out once or twice a week, either on Saturday or Wednesday.
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